It is hard to believe that my last post was well over a month ago. We have been experiencing "growing pains" and are learning to adapt to our new family. The adjustment came a few months later than expected and has been more challenging than I imagined. I am so thankful that Oscar is such an easy going and happy baby. We are blessed.
Oscar is changing so fast it is hard to keep up. I recall reading about all the milestones with Oli but sadly I don't have the time to read about them before they happen with Oz. Oscar is fascinated with his brother and Lucy and is content to observe them all day long. He smiles, coos and laughs at them and responds to his name when called. Even when Oli starts to get rough with Oscar, he just smiles and looks at his brother with his big, brown eyes. Oscar holds his head up during "tummy time" and Oliver loves to watch his brother on his tummy. Yesterday I told Oliver that eventually Oscar will be able to crawl and he pushed Oscar's butt and said "GO"!
Oliver has started with imagination play and makes me "cupcakes" and "sandwiches". I think he would love a tea set but I am not sure that Daddy would approve. A few days ago I did "this little piggy" to Oliver and Oscar's toes. Oli told me that he wanted to do little piggy to mommy and I decided to let him tell me the story in his own words. He said "this little piggy eat a cookie, this little piggy no cookie, and this little piggy wee wee wee all the way home!" These are the great moments then there are the moments of mommy madness. Oliver's sleep issues have resurfaced...UGH! On a nightly basis he wakes between 3-4 a.m. and runs to our bedroom carrying his pillow and literally throws himself on to our bed. It sounds cute but is very frustrating. Oliver has also reached a new level with tantrums and has me questioning myself on a daily basis. It is hard to decide what is typical 2 yr old behavior and what is in response to our "growing pains". I try to remain patient and reason with him but at times I just want to scream "JUST DO IT BECAUSE I SAID SO".
I am grateful to have mommy friends who remind me daily that these moments create the amazing experience called motherhood.