It makes me laugh thinking back to previous posts in my blog (well over a year ago) where I boosted about Oliver's potty success. Hah! I learned my lesson with Oliver and hope to be wiser when it comes time for Oscar's introduction to the potty! I know that I made the introduction to Oliver too early and pushed it too much in the months leading up to Oscar's birth. The result has been a mature Oliver still clinging to the pull-ups and using them regularly. With his third birthday around the corner, I recommitted myself to potty training yesterday.
I promised myself that I will remain calm when accidents happen and expect them. I also told Oliver that he can choose to wear any unders that he likes (he has around 20 pair) but that pull-ups are only for bed time. Yesterday he did really well and had no accidents. Today.....was a mess but I am hoping that tomorrow will be better. Hopefully by the next time I blog I can write about our successful transition!
Oscar is walking and has changed so much in the past month. He also has said a few words- Da dee, Ma ma, cake and dog. He is signing MORE, DRINK, GRAPES. Oscars personality is starting to emerge and he is becoming more strong willed. Previously when Oliver would take toys from Oz, Oscar would just grin but now he protests! Oscar is also eating solids from the table and no baby food. His favorite thing to eat is grapes. I often feel like I have missed many of Oscar's "firsts" because I am always looking at Oliver. I guess this is what happens with the second child.
I was recently asked what my favorite sound is and my answer is Oliver and Oscar laughing together.