I am remembering the days when I had so much more time to blog....funny how life then seemed complicated but in retrospect was so simple. Since my last blog entry in October- Oli IS potty trained (YIPPEE!!!), Oliver turned 3 and we celebrated Oscar's first birthday. Oscar is also RUNNING and CLIMBING! Oscar began walking at 10 months to keep up with his brother. My exercise routine is chasing Oz. He climbs up on chairs, tables, beds and sofas which wouldn't be so bad if he didn't fall off. I know that his days in the crib are short lived because he will crawl out. The boys keep me busy and I work to appreciate all of the chaotic moments of my day (knowing that time slips away quickly). I struggle to keep my stress level low and my patience high. Oliver is a brillant child who can be an amazing help when he wants to. He also knows exactly how to push my buttons....example I say "Lucy go lay down" and Oli yells "Lucy come clean up!!" and turns to me with a devilish grin.
Daniel and IBM have officially parted ways after 15 years and Danl is finally able to fullfil his dream of working on Land Rovers. He has opened Jones Expedition Vehicles in downtown Miami and we are hoping to be successful. Danl works long, hard hours but comes home with a smile on his dirty face! The boys and I miss him terribly during the week because he is also in class Monday - Thursday evenings. I am fortunate to have met a mom's group on the beach and the companionship of other mom's helps me feel less alone. Danl and I both have a healthy fear of what the future holds but are optimistic that our business will be a success.
We enjoyed a quiet Christmas this year with just the four of us. The week prior to Christmas Patrick came for a week and we also spent time with Gramma and Grampa Jones and Great Gramma. Oliver and Oscar love spending time with Patrick and their grandparents. Living apart from family makes the time that we do have together even more special.