Oli's final molars are erupting and he has been a bit cranky this week. I am thankful that these are the last two teeth he will cut until approx. age 5. At times he is just plain angry but does communicate "teeth hurt" and he chews on his thumb for relief. We hate medicating him but have been giving him motrin to ease the pain.
We are enrolled in music class again and Oli seems to be enjoying this session even more than the first. One of the new songs is "My Bonnie" and I often sing it to Oliver at bed time and he is starting to sing along. Oli seems more aware of my belly now and touches it saying "Oscar little brother". I guess we will have some serious explaining to do if the baby is a girl!!
Oliver's favorite food is peanut butter sandwiches which he request every morning instead of his oatmel. He is also very fond of ginger snap cookies. His new favorite toy is the Brio hammer bench that we got him for Christmas. He loves to hammer the pegs! He has attempted to hammer many other things in the house but is reminded that hammer only happens on the bench.
Danl is training for the Escape to Miami Triathlon in October. The race is not his preferred distance but it is a challenging swim in the bay and the race is local. Unfortunately his favorite race in Orlando (the GFT) happens in late October when I am 37.5 weeks pregnant and we don't dare chance the travel. He is also planning to train for an ultrathon is 2009 (50+ miles).
I have been busy making my list of all the things I want to accomplish before the baby arrives. The list is long and I don't seem to be making much progress on it. I am finding myself more tired each day after spending the day chasing Oliver. I take him out (park, pool, museum) each morning to burn off his toddler energy and so he will nap in the afternoon. While I will have two to care for...I look forward to having my pre-pregnancy energy back.
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