Oscar has arrived and is now 12 days old. The past twelve days have been a blur of sweet moments, tears, diapers, diapers, 2 yr. old tantrums and more diapers. I have fallen in love with Oscar and as everyone told me it would my heart has grown to accommodate my love for both Oliver and Oscar.
Oliver is adjusting to Oscar and seems generally happy with his brother. Fortunately he directs his frustration toward Mommy and Daddy. He has grown up so much in the past month that I find myself missing my little boy and at the same time am so impressed with what Oliver can do for himself. Oli asks to hold Oscar all the time and is usually very gentle.
Oscar is now 10 lbs. 1 oz. and has a healthy appetite. He coos, smiles and SLEEPS! Danl and I can't believe how much sleep we have gotten in the past week. Oscar often sleeps for 4+ hours at night....lets hope his sleep schedule continues on this trend.
Danl and I are adjusting to our new family and trying to find time to smile at each other. I still can't believe Oscar is finally here after the long, long wait. I am forever grateful to Shari Daniels and the other wonderful people at the Miami Maternity Center for helping me to achieve the birth experience I desired. I DID IT!! No drugs, no hospital, no C-section. I am so happy with the choices that I made and have a new appreciation for my body.
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