I finally found a quiet moment to update my blog. This past week Oliver has had a cold and unfortunately Oscar caught it too. Our evenings have been separate...Daniel in Oliver's bedroom and Oscar and I in our bedroom. I am hoping that Oli finally sleeps through the night because I know Daniel is very tired. At times I see our progress as a family and feel that we are getting the "hang of it". Other times are complete madness and I have a hard time choosing whether to scream or cry.
The marathon is this upcoming Sunday and ready or not it is only a few days away. I am fortunate to be starting the race with three close friends (Anne, Natalie and Kim) and will run the full marathon with Anne. I am looking forward to a weekend connecting with my friends, two of which live outside of Miami. We have plans for a group dinner on Friday night and I could really use an evening out.
Oscar is getting so big and changes every day. He smiles at us when we talk to him and "talks" back with coos and goos. Oscar still doesn't have much hair but it is getting thicker and his eyes are a mystery. At times his eyes look dark grey and others they look brown with green flecks. Each night I fall asleep looking at Oscar in the moses basket...it is so calming to watch him sleep.
Oliver's newest passion is Play-Doh. He loves the stuff and spends hours each day molding cruise ships, snakes and trucks. It is what he asks to do all day long..."play with play doh". Oli never stops talking and has started with "What's this, what's this" which I predict will lead to "Why". He continues to test and challenge me each day but has gotten better about running away from me. It is a big no no to run away from Mommy and Daddy and he knows it.
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