It has been a while since I've posted to this blog. I wish I could find more time to reflect and write about my days with Oli and Oscar. B.O.O (Before Oli and Oz) I wrote in a journal several times a week but these days I can barely find time to scribble a grocery list!
I completed my course work at Lesley University so I am officially DONE with school! Ironically on my last day of class at Lesley, I started teaching Baby Sign language classes. I signed with Oliver and loved communicating with him before he was verbal. I recently decided to become a certified instructor and am teaching at a studio in Midtown Miami. My first class is small but a wonderful group of mamas and babies learning to sign. Oscar is signing "more" and "drink" and Oliver loves signing to Oscar.
A few days ago I found myself thinking that my chaos is becoming more manageable. I still feel like a referee and need to closely monitor the boys but we have our daily routines down. TEN I just a slow learner?? Our schedule is later than I would like it to be but I am struggling with trying to move it earlier. Danl is in school Monday - Thursday from 4 pm to midnight and I am waiting up for him. The problem is that the boys and I sleep in in the morning (7:30) leading to late naps for Oz and Oli, late dinner, late bedtime, REPEAT. I guess the only way to break this trend is to get my butt out of bed in the morning and wake the boys up. Maybe tomorrow:)
Above is a photo of Oli jumping on the bed at the Back Bay Hilton.
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