I realized the other day how long it has been since I have updated my blog (many, many months) and I promised myself that I would get to it this week. Here I am at 4:42 a.m. stealing a quiet moment and decided that this was as good of time as any!
The boys are growing so fast and each day I watch them transform before my eyes. Oliver's newest interest is tigers and each day he ROARS at his brother, me, and other random people. He has a Big Cats book that he loves reading and tells me that he wants to be a tiger for Halloween. (I am not purchasing a costume until October!) Oliver is still fascinated with sharks and sleeps with his stuffed sharks every night. This upcoming weekend we are taking the boys to Sea World for the first time and I can't wait for Oli to see the shark tank!
Oscar is an energetic little boy and fights hard to keep up with his brother. Physically Oscar is able to do most everything his brother can. Oscar's favorite book is Goodnight Gorilla. Oliver also loved Goodnight Gorilla at this age. I weaned Oscar five days ago and he is now sleeping better but still wakes up once a night. Weaning Oz was bittersweet, I love getting more sleep but I miss the connection with Oz. Breastfeeding moms totally get this....others do not.
The boys and I are spending our summer in the pool, at the playground and with friends. Patrick arrived this week and will be with us for three weeks. Oli and Oz are both crazy for Patrick (as is Lucy) so the poor kid gets no breaks:)
The photo above was taken from our three week visit to Big Grandma's house. The boys were definitely in their element.