My last post was four months ago....I guess that says something about how quickly my days pass. At times I feel as though one day flows into the other and everything I do is working toward the end goal of having two happy, fed, clean kids in bed asleep at 8:30 pm.
Oscar is quickly gaining on Oliver and is in constant motion. Oz chases Oliver and has started to protest when Oliver takes things away from him. He also climbs EVERYTHING and I spend the day moving objects out of his path. Oscar talks and signs to ask for the things he wants (ex. cookie). He is still crazy about his shoes and wants to wear his Crocs all day.
Oliver is crazy about sharks and has memorized the words to three early reader books about Sharks. Oli requests to watch Daniel's shark dive video regularly and also loves the documentary Shark Island. Oliver watches out for his brother and is quick to report to me when Oscar is doing something he shouldn't be. Oliver has started going to music class with Oz and I and is now singing in class and at home. It makes me so happy to finally have him singing.
Two more weeks and Daniel will have completed his training at ATI. I am so excited to have more family dinners together. Danl plans to return to triathlon training upon his completion. I am busy chasing the boys when Danl is at the shop or school. Sadly, Erica is no longer with us because she got a job in her field. We miss her very much but the boys and I are adjusting. This past week my dear friend Natalie visited with her two children (Will and Gwen). We had a wonderful time together and managed to keep four toddlers/preschoolers happy (ages 4,3,2, and 1)!
The photo is Oscar in his favorite place...ON TOP of Lucy.
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