Monday, December 28, 2009

Welcoming 2010 with TWO toddlers

I am remembering the days when I had so much more time to blog....funny how life then seemed complicated but in retrospect was so simple. Since my last blog entry in October- Oli IS potty trained (YIPPEE!!!), Oliver turned 3 and we celebrated Oscar's first birthday. Oscar is also RUNNING and CLIMBING! Oscar began walking at 10 months to keep up with his brother. My exercise routine is chasing Oz. He climbs up on chairs, tables, beds and sofas which wouldn't be so bad if he didn't fall off. I know that his days in the crib are short lived because he will crawl out. The boys keep me busy and I work to appreciate all of the chaotic moments of my day (knowing that time slips away quickly). I struggle to keep my stress level low and my patience high. Oliver is a brillant child who can be an amazing help when he wants to. He also knows exactly how to push my buttons....example I say "Lucy go lay down" and Oli yells "Lucy come clean up!!" and turns to me with a devilish grin.

Daniel and IBM have officially parted ways after 15 years and Danl is finally able to fullfil his dream of working on Land Rovers. He has opened Jones Expedition Vehicles in downtown Miami and we are hoping to be successful. Danl works long, hard hours but comes home with a smile on his dirty face! The boys and I miss him terribly during the week because he is also in class Monday - Thursday evenings. I am fortunate to have met a mom's group on the beach and the companionship of other mom's helps me feel less alone. Danl and I both have a healthy fear of what the future holds but are optimistic that our business will be a success.

We enjoyed a quiet Christmas this year with just the four of us. The week prior to Christmas Patrick came for a week and we also spent time with Gramma and Grampa Jones and Great Gramma. Oliver and Oscar love spending time with Patrick and their grandparents. Living apart from family makes the time that we do have together even more special.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Dedicated to underwear

It makes me laugh thinking back to previous posts in my blog (well over a year ago) where I boosted about Oliver's potty success. Hah! I learned my lesson with Oliver and hope to be wiser when it comes time for Oscar's introduction to the potty! I know that I made the introduction to Oliver too early and pushed it too much in the months leading up to Oscar's birth. The result has been a mature Oliver still clinging to the pull-ups and using them regularly. With his third birthday around the corner, I recommitted myself to potty training yesterday.

I promised myself that I will remain calm when accidents happen and expect them. I also told Oliver that he can choose to wear any unders that he likes (he has around 20 pair) but that pull-ups are only for bed time. Yesterday he did really well and had no accidents. Today.....was a mess but I am hoping that tomorrow will be better. Hopefully by the next time I blog I can write about our successful transition!

Oscar is walking and has changed so much in the past month. He also has said a few words- Da dee, Ma ma, cake and dog. He is signing MORE, DRINK, GRAPES. Oscars personality is starting to emerge and he is becoming more strong willed. Previously when Oliver would take toys from Oz, Oscar would just grin but now he protests! Oscar is also eating solids from the table and no baby food. His favorite thing to eat is grapes. I often feel like I have missed many of Oscar's "firsts" because I am always looking at Oliver. I guess this is what happens with the second child.

I was recently asked what my favorite sound is and my answer is Oliver and Oscar laughing together.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Boys will be boys

It has been a while since I've posted to this blog. I wish I could find more time to reflect and write about my days with Oli and Oscar. B.O.O (Before Oli and Oz) I wrote in a journal several times a week but these days I can barely find time to scribble a grocery list!

I completed my course work at Lesley University so I am officially DONE with school! Ironically on my last day of class at Lesley, I started teaching Baby Sign language classes. I signed with Oliver and loved communicating with him before he was verbal. I recently decided to become a certified instructor and am teaching at a studio in Midtown Miami. My first class is small but a wonderful group of mamas and babies learning to sign. Oscar is signing "more" and "drink" and Oliver loves signing to Oscar.

A few days ago I found myself thinking that my chaos is becoming more manageable. I still feel like a referee and need to closely monitor the boys but we have our daily routines down. TEN I just a slow learner?? Our schedule is later than I would like it to be but I am struggling with trying to move it earlier. Danl is in school Monday - Thursday from 4 pm to midnight and I am waiting up for him. The problem is that the boys and I sleep in in the morning (7:30) leading to late naps for Oz and Oli, late dinner, late bedtime, REPEAT. I guess the only way to break this trend is to get my butt out of bed in the morning and wake the boys up. Maybe tomorrow:)

Above is a photo of Oli jumping on the bed at the Back Bay Hilton.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Oscar is on the GO

I think I have my hands full...Oscar is moving fast and will be walking soon. He crawls at lightening speed and is into EVERYTHING! He is pulling himself to standing on anything in sight (including my legs) and is creeping along furniture as a biped! I have realized that I thought that I was busy before but I haven't seen anything yet. Oliver still adores his brother but is easily frustrated by Oz getting into his things. Sometimes I hear "Oscar no" but most of the time it is a pull on the ear, a tug on his leg or arm or a full body roll over!

Oliver is always in motion and talks non-stop. He surprises me with his large vocabulary and comprehension but I worry already that he could be one of those kids easily labeled ADD. I know I will need to be an advocate for his education. Recently I asked Oli if he was okay after falling and he responded " I'm okay, thanks for asking". Playing in the sand is still his favorite activity. Oliver also loves to play with his cars and trucks and bake cupcakes.

This summer seems to be flying by. Patrick came to stay for four weeks and just returned to NY. The boys and I came to NY with Patrick for a week long visit with Grandma and Grandpa. Oli and Oscar both adore Patrick and I know once we leave G & G's house I will be asked daily "where's Patrick". I am enjoying the visit with my Mom and appreciating the quietness of the country. It is funny how your appreciation for simple things grows with age. I am also enjoying watching Oliver run in the grass, dig in the dirt, throw rocks, and pick flowers. He is delighted by the freedom to run.

The photo was taken during a tea party at our place in Miami Beach.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Six months later

In this photo Oliver is making his "mad" face behind Oscar's back. Oscar is six months old... Where does the time go??? Oz is very close to being mobile and pushes himself up onto his knees,rocks forward then falls to his belly and repeats. By doing this repeatedly he is moving FORWARD. He has also started to eat sweet potatoes (sniff) and loves them. As a breastfeeding mom, this first step of "letting go" is bittersweet. Oscar continues to have a sweet, calm personality and is always waiting on his brother. Thank goodness he is so easy going. Oscar has two teeth and is cutting his third. I recently weighed him and he is now 20 lbs. 4 oz.

Oliver has matured so much in the past six months. He knows what he wants and when he wants it.. His strong will wears me down sometimes but in general he is helpful and sweet. Oli loves to make Oz laugh and tells me "shhh don't wake brother sleeping". Oliver talks non-stop and his favorite phrases are "what are you doing?" "Sit on couch and relax" and "Oliver want to keep you happy mommy" (which comes after he has done something wrong). Oliver's new prized toy is his "lightening mcqueen" match box car and he loves the movie Cars. Yesterday, Oli left "tracks" on the back of Oscars' head with Lightening. :(

Our weeks are different now that Daniel is in school Monday through Thursday evenings. Each night I race the clock with the boys to get Lucy walked, feed the boys, clean up, bath Oli, read books and bedtime. I am getting better at the routine with the help of Erica. Who is Erica? Erica is the wonderful person that comes to help me out for a few hours each week. She provides me the opportunity to complete my school work, go for a run, clean the apartment, walk Lucy and make dinner. I am seldom away from the house for more than the two hours but it is a wonderful feeling knowing that the boys are in her care. Oliver and Oscar both adore her and it has been great practice for me to let go a bit more. I still feel a bit guilty for paying to have Erica's help BUT on those days when Daniel is gone for 15 or 17 hours, I am so thankful that she is here!

I am recovering tonight after 3 hours in the dentist chair for a root canal. The root canal is not complete because the infection was so large and I had a lot of swelling. I return on Friday for additional xrays and hope that the second root canal (previously scheduled for two) is not necessary. I pray each day that Oliver and Oscar will have healthy teeth and not go through what I have. This week Erica is on vacation so I have been struggling to keep up with the boys with a huge abscess and grateful that Daniel could take tonight off from school. I am hopeful that tomorrow I will wake up pain free and the facial swelling will be reduced.

Time to catch some Zzzz's.

Friday, April 24, 2009

With the blink of an eye

I feel like I am missing it...Oscar is changing so fast that I find myself wanting to stop the clock, stop the days, so that I can observe. I can't believe he is now 5 months old, sitting up (almost unassisted), rolling over, picking up toys and scooting. My daily existence is chaos but I am learning to accept the chaos and flow with it versus against it. I am actually reading an amazing book called Momma Zen Walking the Crooked Path of Motherhood. I highly recommend it as a magic elixir for mommy guilt:)

Oscar continues to be a patient boy and far calmer than his brother Oliver ever was. I am also blessed that Oscar sleeps! I usually get him down to sleep around 8:30 and he wakes at 4 a.m. for a feeding. We continue to struggle with Oliver's sleep schedule and have resigned ourselves to having one child that sleeps and one that doesn't. Oscar has one tooth and is currently cutting another one. He blows raspberries all day long which is a great source of entertainment for his big brother.

Oliver is a wonderfully curious boy who makes me laugh each day. Oli takes pride in being able to help Mommy with Oscar. He tells Oz to "relax" when he is upset and reassures him "your okay". Oliver's favorite movie is Wall.E and his favorite toys are his trucks. A few days ago I told Oliver that Mommy's tummy hurt and he quickly ran to the bathroom and brought me back a Band-aid and shouted "make mommy feel better".

Daniel and I are working to find more time together and have been actively trying out babysitters. This is hard for me but I know that we need adult time so I am trying to set my worries aside when we do go out. It is great to reconnect after a week of diapers, feedings, cleaning, diapers, and more diapers.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Growing Pains

It is hard to believe that my last post was well over a month ago. We have been experiencing "growing pains" and are learning to adapt to our new family. The adjustment came a few months later than expected and has been more challenging than I imagined. I am so thankful that Oscar is such an easy going and happy baby. We are blessed.

Oscar is changing so fast it is hard to keep up. I recall reading about all the milestones with Oli but sadly I don't have the time to read about them before they happen with Oz. Oscar is fascinated with his brother and Lucy and is content to observe them all day long. He smiles, coos and laughs at them and responds to his name when called. Even when Oli starts to get rough with Oscar, he just smiles and looks at his brother with his big, brown eyes. Oscar holds his head up during "tummy time" and Oliver loves to watch his brother on his tummy. Yesterday I told Oliver that eventually Oscar will be able to crawl and he pushed Oscar's butt and said "GO"!

Oliver has started with imagination play and makes me "cupcakes" and "sandwiches". I think he would love a tea set but I am not sure that Daddy would approve. A few days ago I did "this little piggy" to Oliver and Oscar's toes. Oli told me that he wanted to do little piggy to mommy and I decided to let him tell me the story in his own words. He said "this little piggy eat a cookie, this little piggy no cookie, and this little piggy wee wee wee all the way home!" These are the great moments then there are the moments of mommy madness. Oliver's sleep issues have resurfaced...UGH! On a nightly basis he wakes between 3-4 a.m. and runs to our bedroom carrying his pillow and literally throws himself on to our bed. It sounds cute but is very frustrating. Oliver has also reached a new level with tantrums and has me questioning myself on a daily basis. It is hard to decide what is typical 2 yr old behavior and what is in response to our "growing pains". I try to remain patient and reason with him but at times I just want to scream "JUST DO IT BECAUSE I SAID SO".

I am grateful to have mommy friends who remind me daily that these moments create the amazing experience called motherhood.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Moments of madness

I finally found a quiet moment to update my blog. This past week Oliver has had a cold and unfortunately Oscar caught it too. Our evenings have been separate...Daniel in Oliver's bedroom and Oscar and I in our bedroom. I am hoping that Oli finally sleeps through the night because I know Daniel is very tired. At times I see our progress as a family and feel that we are getting the "hang of it". Other times are complete madness and I have a hard time choosing whether to scream or cry.

The marathon is this upcoming Sunday and ready or not it is only a few days away. I am fortunate to be starting the race with three close friends (Anne, Natalie and Kim) and will run the full marathon with Anne. I am looking forward to a weekend connecting with my friends, two of which live outside of Miami. We have plans for a group dinner on Friday night and I could really use an evening out.

Oscar is getting so big and changes every day. He smiles at us when we talk to him and "talks" back with coos and goos. Oscar still doesn't have much hair but it is getting thicker and his eyes are a mystery. At times his eyes look dark grey and others they look brown with green flecks. Each night I fall asleep looking at Oscar in the moses is so calming to watch him sleep.

Oliver's newest passion is Play-Doh. He loves the stuff and spends hours each day molding cruise ships, snakes and trucks. It is what he asks to do all day long..."play with play doh". Oli never stops talking and has started with "What's this, what's this" which I predict will lead to "Why". He continues to test and challenge me each day but has gotten better about running away from me. It is a big no no to run away from Mommy and Daddy and he knows it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

A New Year

Almost a month has passed since my last post...Oscar is one month old, Kellan and Patrick visited, Christmas, New Year's day. Where does the time go?

I feel that the days are flying by and I am still struggling with how to change two diapers at once and how to feed Oscar and Oliver simultaneously. I have been taking the boys to Flamingo Park and have figured out how to play with Oli in the sand, push Oli on the swing, feed Oscar, AND change diapers.

Oliver has adjusted well to having a little brother and loves to hold him. Oliver pleads "PLLLEEASE me hold my baby, PLLLEEEASE me hold my baby brudder". Oliver also smells Oscar and squeals "YUK"! I am not sure where the sniffing and yuk came from but it is entertaining.

Oscar was 13 lbs. and 3 oz. at his six week appt. He is becoming more alert everyday and now gives Mommy, Daddy, and Oliver big smiles and grins. Oscar continues to sleep well and Mommy and Daddy are so happy about this. During the evening hours he is sleeping 4.5 hrs at a time.

Daniel and I have figured out a schedule that allows us both to get workouts in. We alternate days and get up at 5 a.m. for a workout. We are also taking family runs (Oli, Oscar and Lucy). I am registered for the Miami Marathon on Jan. 25th and am feeling a bit nervous about the race. I know I can do it, it is more a matter of how comfortable I will be.